Friday, February 19, 2010

Commercial responses

1. Silence the Violence and increase the peace - Angela Johnson
b. They incorporated it in very well.
c. I thought she used them very well because her pictures and music were timed well.
d. It was done very well.
e. It was 30 seconds.. but it said 29.

2. I'm a winner. - John Gauger
b. They message was displayed very well.
c. It was used very well.
d. It was interesting because the pictures were cool.
e. I think it was 30 seconds.. but it said 29.

3. Jake Bakes Cake - Jake Mehring
b. The slogan was used very well in the commercial.
c. I think his skills were used very well.
d. It was interesting because you didn't know which food product would come next.
e. IT was 30 seconds.. but it said 29.

4. The worst mistakes make the best memories. - Mikayla Pullin
b. The slogan was incorporated in the commercial very well.
c. Her skills were presented very well.
d. It was interesting because the slogan made you think..
e. It was 30 seconds long.

Tiger Woods response

Fan: I appreciate his abililty at golf but I just think that he came and said what really happened too late. I think that he will never make it to the top of the game ever again even though he was probably the best golfer ever to live.

Reporter: I think that his speech was scripted by someone else and presented for him to read aloud. It seemed sort of sketchy and made you wonder if half of what he said was true.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Simply Will

It was 30 seconds on the premiere program.. but it showed up on here as 29 seconds and I don't know why..

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl Ad Rating

Commercial 1: Snickers Commercial
Company: Snickers
Target Audience- Early Adult
Persuasive Method: Humor/Action
Camera Angles- Fast Paced cameras made you feel like you were there
Slogan: Your not you when your hungry, Snickers Satisfies.
Message Effective? Yes, it showed that if you eat a snickers it gives you an energy boost.

Comercial 2: Dorito's
Company: Dorito's
Target Audience: College Age
Persuasive Method: Humor
Camera Angles: Made it look like it all happened really fast
Slogan: None
Message Effective? Yes, it gave me a clear view of what the product was.

Commercial 3: Survivor
Company: CBS
Target Audience: All ages
Persuasive Method: Action
Camera Angles: Action paced
Slogan: Survivor is back on CBS
Message Effective? Yes, it gave me a clear idea of what it was about.

Commercial 4: Career Builder
Target Audience: middle aged/ working class
Persuasive Method: Humor/ Human Interest
Camera Angles: Low on the body
Slogan: Expose yourself to something better, career builder, start builing
Message Effective? Yes, it gave me a clear idea on what the purpose was.

Commercial 5: Dr. Pepper Cherry
Company: Dr. Pepper
Target Audience: Adults
Persuasive Method: Celebrity
Camera Angles: Concert View
Slogan: Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Message Effective? Yes, it gave me a clear idea of what the product was.

Slogan: Simply Will.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Response- Newspapers on the Downturn

I think it is horrible that newspapers are going in the wrong direction. Newspapers have given people the freedom to read and think what they want about articles and not just hear it coming from one point of view over the internet. I think that if all of the major newspaper sites come together and charge viewers of the website then they could start to earn the money the once did years ago. Even though the newspapers are still making a pretty fair profit, I can see the panic because if the trend continues, then in the next 10 to 15 years the newspaper might be extinct. So I think that they need to act now, to save their inustry in the long run.

Friday, February 5, 2010

News Log Fox at 5

Fox at 5 on Thursday February 4th. Had done on time but didn't put on blog.

1. Buying alchohol for underage kids 5-5:02.30

2. Manslaughter of a baby 5:02.30 - 5:03

3. intro to whats next 5:03-5:03:16

4. Former Police indicted 5:03:16- 5:03:36

5. Car on Fire 5:03:36- 5:04

6. Toyota Recall- 5:04-5:05:30

7. Sports picks 5:05:30- 5:06:50

8. Minnesota Legislature 5:06:50-5:09:20

9. 35 car pile up in Oklahoma City 5:09:20- 5:09:45

10. intro to whats next 5:09:45-5:10:25
11. commercial 5:10:25- 5:13:25
12. local consumers getting ripped off 5:13:25- 5:15:42
13. Colorado baby's in hospital 5:15:42- 5:16:27
14. Valentines Day Intro 5:16:27- 5:16:57
15. Weather 5:16:57- 5:19:57
16. intro to whats next 5:19:57- 5:20:27
17. commercial- 3 minutes 5:20:27- 5:23:27
18. Clinton in Haiti- 20 seconds 5:23:27- 5:23:47
19. Americans arrested in Haiti- 4o seconds 5:23:47- 5:24:27
20. couple convicted of homicide- 45 seconds 5:24:27- 5:25:12
21. Icy streets in Detroit- 40 seconds 5:25:12- 5:25:52
22. Intro to Fox at 5:30- 30 seconds 5:25:52- 5:26:22
23. Commercial 2:30 5:26:22- 5:28:22

Thursday, February 4, 2010

News Notes

Chapter 3- The news
What is News?
The news is an account of events that interest or concern the public.

List and describe the 6 criteria of newsworthiness
1. Unusualness- It is out of the ordinary. "If an airplane crashes"
2. Significance- Important events throughout the course of the day. "the economy"
3. Timeliness- People want to hear whats happening now. "todays events"
4. Proximity- People want to know about nearby events. "gas leak in apple valley"
5. Prominence- Well-known people or places. "barrack obama"
6. Human Interest- Stories about ordinary people or things such as animals. "recovering from cancer"

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. Newspapers cover more broad stories and go more in depth.
2. Broadcast is covering the fast-breaking stories.
3. Broadcast offers the most dramatic news coverage.
4. In print journalism, readers act as their own editors.
5. Broadcast journalism has major network contracts to show news.

Example of each story that goes with each one of the criteria for newsworthiness.
1. Unusualness- Ashton Kutcher hates Valentines day. CNN
2. Significance- The Dow tumbles 200 points CNN
3. Timeliness- 2010 legislative session starts with a bang Star Tribune
4. Proximity- Minnesota Twins get aired on FOX Star Tribune
5. Prominence- Senator Klobuchar holds breakfast for prayer Star Tribune
6. Human Interest- Brittany Murphy's death ruled accident Star Tribune

CNN news response

Snow storm in the northeast atlantic

This coming weekend, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. along with a lot of a lot of the Northeast will experience a massive snow storm. The storm might be ruled the storm of the decade and might bring near blizzard conditions to much of the coast. This is going to be bad for travel and road conditions because there might be a lot of accidents and injuries with the storm. So people will have to watch out what for road conditions and prepare for the worst possible outcome. I also think that a lot of the time people make storms such as these a big deal and the real outcome is much less than what they had previously played it to be.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Define Broadcast Journalism

I think that Broadcast Journalism is the process of presenting a message (news) through the media to the world. It can give the message through newspapers, internet news, TV broadcasts, magazines, radio's, and other different ways to transmit a message.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

USA Today Article

Planes with maintenance problems have flown anyway

I believe that when planes fly when having maintenance issues is obsurd and it's a matter of time before something bad actually happens such as a crash. If a plane needs to be fixed, then by no means should it be put into line for flying on that day. I hope it doesn't come down to having an actual accident caused by this in order for the FAA to change their ways.

Monday, February 1, 2010


1. Shane wanted to be in Intro to Broadcast Journalism because he watched ESPN and thought it would be cool to do what they do.

2. Shane plays Varsity Basketball.

3. Something that is unique about Shane is that he can 2 handed dunk after throwing it up off the glass.